
🚀DIF monthly #2

The October 2019 round of updates from DIF: Stay on top of developments on our Working Groups, news from our members, events and much more.

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🚀DIF monthly #2

Welcome to the second issue of DIF Monthly, the monthly newsletter of Decentralized Identity Foundation! We aspire to give you the latest updates on the work of the decentralized identity community every month.

Foundation News

The recent Internet Identity Workshop and DIF’s F2F meeting further strengthened the ties among companies and individuals to bolster the foundations of this new identity paradigm.

  • Three new members just joined DIF: Wireline, Spherity and Condatis!
  • We welcome Kyle den Hartog as the new Co-Chair of the DID Auth WG, and Orie Steele as the new Co-Chair of the InterOp Project.
  • DIF is starting an open project with** Product Managers** to discuss and develop best practices around DID related products. If you would like to participate, send us a message!

🛠️ Working Group Updates

☂️ InterOp Project

Demonstrating interoperability across various teams/project and technology stack.

Chairs: Orie Steele & Rouven Heck
GitHub Repos: <interop>

  • Built a CLI demo of VC & VP issuance and verification using the Universal Resolver, did:btcr and did:elem. Link.
  • Built a web server demo for obtaining the VC. Link.

Discussed approaches to QR Code interfaces for the next phase of the demo, integrating websites and mobile wallets.

In the near future:

  • Formalization the QR Code interactions between website and wallets.

Standing up a web server to demonstrate ongoing credential issuance.

Please note:

  • If you would like your DID Method / Agent or Hub implementation to be supported, please use GitHub issues and contribute to the InterOp discussion in related working groups. Criticism is very welcome, don’t be afraid to have strong opinions.
  • You can join the mailing list by sending an email to this address.

Identifiers & Discovery

How people, organizations, and devices can be identified and located without centralized systems.

Chairs: Jude Nelson & Markus Sabadello
GitHub Repos: <universal resolver> | <.well-known>

  • Added new Universal Resolver for did:elem. Link.
  • Updated Universal Resolver driver for did:ethr. Link.
  • Continued discussion on .well-known mechanism for discovering DIDs. Link.

Participated in several DID-related events, including W3C TPAC, Rebooting-the-Web-of-Trust #9.

In the near future:

  • Design automatic CI and CD processes for Universal Resolver.
  • Continue work on did:holo (started at Rebooting-the-Web-of-Trust #9)
  • Continue support DID Auth and InterOP WGs.

Storage & Compute

Secure, encrypted, privacy-preserving storage and computation of data.

Chairs: Daniel Buchner & Sam Curren
GitHub Repos: <identity-hub>

Focused on generating requirements for joint development of the Identity Hub/Personal Datastore specification and reference implementation. We will create a new mailing list for the initiative and circulate the materials generated at IIW to settle on baseline requirements.

In the near future:

  • Generate a formal Identity Hub/Personal Datastore specification between the refreshed and diverse set of contributors who have stepped up to work on it.

🛡️ Claims & Credentials

Verifying claims and assertions of identities.

Chairs: Kim Duffy & Martin Riedel
GitHub Repos: <did-jwt-wc> | <papers> | <credential-manifest>

  • Updated C&C Charter Document. Link.
  • Added Credential Taxonomies to the group scope.

Sidetree Protocol Extension for VC discussion by Andreas Freud.

In the near future:

  • Integrate did-jwt-vc into Command Line Interop project. Link.
  • Start work around the collection and categorization of various credential taxonomies.
  • Follow-up work on joint Proof-a-Palooza IIW session around aligning Presentation Request designs.

DID Auth

DID-based authentication specs, standards, and libraries.

Chairs: Kyle den Hartog & Oliver Terbu
GitHub Repos: <authentication-wg> | <DIDComm-js> | <did-siop> | <did-authn/siop>

  • DID Auth SIOP was reviewed by OIDF editors – only a few issues were found, other issues, e.g., `kid` format, came up in the group. Link.

New Co-Chair Kyle was appointed.

In the near future:

  • Harmonization of the `kid` header.
  • DIDComm JWE-compliance.
  • SIOP implementation.

🦄 Member Updates


  • Jolocom pushed one of its most significant SmartWallet updates to-date enabling seed phrase recovery and offline access for users, now with support for 64bit devices. Link.
  • Xride, a fully decentralized e-mobility pilot initiated by T-Labs and launched recently. Jolocom, Bundesdruckerei, and RIDDLE&CODE supplied the identity layer, to enable users to verify and exchange their credentials with scooters and chargers directly. Link.


  • Finema has launched a test network for the Decentralized Identity Platform called IDIN. We provide developer tools and blockchain explorer on top to Blockchain Network. The documentation is available here.
  • Finema has delivered the solution for university to generate student card and academic record on mobile wallet. We are using our Decentralized Identity Network to generate student card and academic record in form of Verifiable Credentials.


  • Bloom has recently surpassed 600,000 BloomID users and released a Portuguese language pack for Brazilian adaptation of decentralized identities.
  • Earlier this year Bloom consumed over 2% of the gas on Ethereum to issue credentials. Isaac Patka will be presenting a talk on Bloom’s transaction broadcasting infrastructure at Devcon; titled ‘MetaTransactions At Scale’.
  • Bloom updated its tool for developers to set up and run a free, decentralized KYC. Link.

Industry Updates


Thepeer DID method lets you create and use DIDs completely off ledger. This has various scale, performance, security, and privacy benefits, though it is not suitable for all DID use cases. Recent progress:

Community Updates

One World Identity

  • The KNOW Identity Call for Speakers is open until Sept. 30. Apply to join speakers like Ann Cavoukian, Duo Security, Facebook, globalID, Microsoft, Javelin Strategy and Research, and Sovrin Foundation on the KNOW stage.
  • We’re also looking for media organizations, reporters, and industry groups who are interested in participating at KNOW Identity 2020. Contact the OWI team to learn more about KNOW partnership opportunities.
  • Interested in learning more about what OWI does? Check out our work with the World Bank.


DIFF2019 - Diffusion 2019
Oct 19-20, Berlin, Germany

  • Join and connect to some of the world’s most exciting Web 3 protocols in blockchain, AI, IoT and Big Data from across The Convergence Stack, for a 2-day dev con made up of hacks, exclusive product launches, and live demos.
  • If you are not a hacker, but would like to attend the event to join the talks and workshops, use the code OVdiscount to get a free ticket!

CIW2019 - Consumer Identity World EU 2019
Oct 22-24, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

  • At the Consumer Identity World, you learn how to balance the user experience, privacy, and security of your connected customer and how to enhance the customers’ journey by leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) to provide a superior and customized experience.

GBC2019 - Convergence - The Global Blockchain Congress

Nov 11-13, Malaga, Spain

  • The event is co-organized by the Blockchain Observatory and Forum.
  • As the most important blockchain-related event in the EU, Convergence brings the global community together for an intense exploration of convergent trends in blockchain technology, regulation and research, as well as of blockchain’s impact on the economy, business, and society as a whole.
  • Check out the speakers and program here!


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