🚀DIF Monthly #25

The first round of updates from DIF in 2022: Stay on top of developments at our Working Groups, news from our members, events and much more.

· 7 min read
🚀DIF Monthly #25

Website | Mailing list | Meeting recordings

Table of contents

  1. Foundation News; 2. Group Updates; 3. Member Updates; 4. Funding; 5. DIF Media; 6. Members; 7. events; 8. Jobs; 9. Metrics; 10. Join DIF

🚀 Foundation News

    • 24th February 2022
    • 7:00 PST / 16:00 CET - 15:00 PST / 00:00 CET
    • DIF is inviting the entire decentralized identity community to join our third open online virtual event. Across a mix of Presentations, Q&A sessions, demos and workshops, we will discuss the current state of the decentralized identity space, individual elements' status, and potential paths towards interoperability.
    • This free event is open to all, not just existing DIF members.
    • Register for free now to receieve program updates as they are announced.
    • We are also actively looking for workshops and demos to run alongside the main program: use this form to submit your ideas.
    • We would greatly appreciate if you could share this DIF event with your network!

🛠️ Group Updates

Note: Many groups did not meet in late Dec or early Jan, so there may be fewer updates than usual

☂️ InterOp WG (cross-community)

  • 2nd Feb 2022 - EU Timeslot
    • QR Code discussion part 2, building on session from 8th December.
  • New year kickstart discussion.
    • Recent interop movements from last couple of months.
    • Preparing us for real interop for IIW 34 - April 26th-28th
  • Potential interop targets: could it be possible to have interop testing around JSON-LD ZKP with BBS+?
  • Exchange protocols: does WACI-PEX (designed to bridge between the Aries world and SVIP world) have potential as the exchange protocol?
  • Prospective Scope
    • WACIPex
    • JSON-LD
    • ZKP with BBS+

💡 Identifiers & Discovery

  • I&D considers if DIDs can be considered 'personal data' in advance of a group discussion 31st Jan 2022, 1400CET.
  • Short update on W3C DID Core formal objections
  • Short introduction to idp2p
  • Beginning work on DID Authn and Authz DOM APIs as a first contribution to a set of Web platform enhancements

🛡️ Claims & Credentials

  • 17th January 2022 - (1300 ET)

    • JWS Test Suite
    • WACI-PEX - off this week, swift progress on Issuance extension
    • PE (2.0) + Credential Manifest
    • Verifier Universal Interface (VUI) tracking
    • Discuss Proposed Work Items:
      • Data Agreement protocol
      • Split CM & Wallet Rendering
  • 20th December 2021

    • JWS Test Suite - core work done
    • WACI-PEX
      • v0.1 has been cut, will be published when PR is merged
    • PE (2.0) + Credential Manifest

📻 DID Comm

🌱 Applied Crypto WG

  • cbb-distributed_zkp_authentication

    • deployed in the wild, implementations being developed
    • ready for working group approved status
  • cbb_policy_as_code

    • PRs are in place.
    • may turn into verifiable computations with untrusted setups
  • cbb-service_protocol

    • really cool
    • shifted from simple text to DISCO (signal, but using strobe protocol instead of SHA2)
  • JSON Web Proof

    • single-use credentials being documented and implemented
    • optimization of number of cryptographic operations
    • Merkle-tree based approach in development as well
  • revocation_methods_for_verifiable_credentials

    • Added an non-cryptographic accumulator schema "ValidityVerifiableCredential"
      • Can be an interim solution which can be implemented "fast". It sets up on available and tested functions.Needs to be explored in more detail in the next weeks.

✈️ Hospitality & Travel

🏦 Finance & Banking

🌏 APAC/ASEAN Open Call

  • No meetings during December or early Jan.
  • Next call 27th January 2022

🌍 Africa Open Call

  • No meetings since mid-December.
  • Next call 3rd February 2022

🦄 Member Updates



  • Interview with IAMX about Self-Sovereign Identity on the Spicy Dumpling Show from Jan 4th 2022. Topics covered include:
  • Webinar: How to own your identity?
    • Jan 25, 17:30 CET
    • In this live-crowdcast Markus Sabadello (Editor W3C DID Core 1.0, Co-Chair DIF Identifiers & Discovery Working Group), Michael Shea, Tim and Tim from IAMX discuss: identity in emerging vs development markets, business cases, and biometric identity.
    • Sign up here.



  • Iuncta released a YouTube video on the future of digital identity, including the Metaverse, discussing how now is the time to establish self sovereign identity online and beyond.

💰 Funding

NGI Open Calls (EU)

  • Funding is allocated to projects using short research cycles targeting the most promising ideas. Each of the selected projects pursues its own objectives, while the NGI RIAs provide the program logic and vision, technical support, coaching and mentoring, to ensure that projects contribute towards a significant advancement of research and innovation in the NGI initiative.
  • The focus is on advanced concepts and technologies that link to relevant use cases, and that can have an impact on the market and society overall. Applications and services that innovate without a research component are not covered by this model.
  • Closing Date: 1 February 2022, 12:00 PM CET
  • Varying amounts of funding.
  • Learn more and apply here.

🖋️ DIF Media

  • LEGO & Learning Economy: Gearing up with Super Skills
    • The Super Skills app, developed by the Learning Economy Foundation and the LEGO Foundation, combines a custodial wallet (Torus) and Ceramic VC/storage tooling to give children private, exportable, future-proof achievement records – a self-sovereign educational credentialing system in miniature.

🎈 Events & Promotions

💼 Jobs

Members of the Decentralized Identity Foundation are looking for:

Check out the available positions on the DIF Jobs Board here.

🔢 Metrics

Newsletter: 5k subscribers | 34% opening rate
Twitter: 5,358 followers | 30.4K impressions | 9k profile visits
Website: 32.46k unique visitors
Youtube: 283 subscribers | 250 unique visitors
In the last 30 days.

🆔 Join DIF!
If you would like to get involved with DIF's work, please join us and start contributing.

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