DIF Monthly #31

December 2022 updates from DIF: Stay on top of developments at our Working Groups, news from our members, events and much more.

· 10 min read
DIF Monthly #31

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Table of contents

  1. Foundation News; 2. Group Updates; 3. Member Updates; 4. Digital Identity Community; .5. Events; 6. Metrics; 7. Get involved! Join DIF

🚀 Foundation News

📝 DIF Feedback Call.
  • These open calls are a space to gather feedback from the community and optimize our strategy.
  • Held every Wednesday in two alternating timeslots, there's definitely one that fits your timezone! Check our DIF calendar here
🧭 DIF New Member Orientation Call
  • These open calls are for anyone new to DIF.
  • How to get started, overview of our work and groups, and how to get the most from your DIF membership.
  • Held every Wednesday in two alternating timeslots Check our DIF calendar here
🔦 DIF Member Spotlight
📰 Newsletter
  • DIF Newsletter submissions close Friday, 9th December 2022. Please use this Google form to submit anything you think the wider identity community should see
  • The DIF monthly newsletter has an RSS feed. Find it here - DIF Newsletter RSS
💼 DIF is hiring!
🌱 DIF is delighted to announce two new SIGs:
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • DIF Japan
  • Both of these to start early 2023
  • Keep an eye on DIF channels and this very newsletter for more info

🛠️ Group Updates

☂️ InterOp WG (cross-community)

  • Timing update: now meeting every second week
  • November 30, 2022 - Recording
  • Nov. 2nd Recording of session here
    • Peter Langenkamp (TNO) presented about a cluster of interoperabilty centered on TNO EASSI.
    • "eassi strives to improve the usability of SSI in real life by providing basic functionality that assists in issuing and verifying credentials to and from multiple wallets."
    • https://eassi.ssi-lab.nl/docs/about
  • Survey insights - Results Deck here
    • Find the pockets of interop
      • Which companies interop with what other companies; build bridges between the pockets
    • Interop testing
      • Don't boil the ocean. Start with small targets. Let the question "what are we trying to accomplish with interop?" guide the targets.
      • Interested in a public assessment framework.
      • Bonnie Yau of IDLab mentioned they're working on a framework, starting from (or modelled after) the Aries Agent Test Harness.
    • Approaches to Localization
      • BC Gov gave a demo of a localized wallet app with credential localization using OCA. (Link to demo pending)
      • What other approaches?
    • What does "interoperable" mean to different communities?
      • Often gets thrown around in marketing jargon but what are some real metrics for defining whether something is "interoperable?"
    • Wallet UX
      • There might be some other working groups focused on UX already. There might be some overlap with interop.

💡 Identifiers & Discovery

💡 DID Authentication WG

🛡️ Claims & Credentials

  • Workitem Status: PE (v2.0) + Credential Manifest (1pm ET Thu)
    • Work Item Leads: Brent Zundel (@brentzundel) & Daniel Buchner (@csuwildcat)
    • Credential Manifest moving forward (Issues in Repository were triaged) -> Release for 1.0
    • Presentation exchange v2.0 is out.
    • No direct plans for v3.0. In the new year focus on documenation, implementation guides, etc
  • Workitem Status: Wallet Rendering:
    • Credential Manifest points to Wallet Rendering specification (but no hard dependency).
    • Acknowledged requirement for Credential Manifest.
    • Interest from Block (from 2023).
    • Create Workitem description. (in 2023), Ownership, Times, Prior Art.
  • Workitem Status: Data Agreements
    • Work Item Leads: Jan Lindquist (@janlin) & José San Juan (@jose-gataca)
    • Presentations around Prior Art.
    • The Group's running notes are very thorough!
  • Workitem Status (weekly): Trust Establishment
  • Workitem Status (Monthly): JWT-VC Interoperability Profile & JWT-VC Interop Issues
  • Workitem Status (weekly) Schema Directory
    • Work Item Leads: Daniel Buchner (@csuwildcat) & Jack Couch (@JackSophtron) & Martin Riedel (@rado0x54)
    • Last meeting was chat only.
    • Waiting for the following deliverables:
      • Process definition for adding Schemas to the registry (@rado0x54)
      • Use the data registry template as the creator has wished for :)
  • Current topics for discussion:
    • Optional "@context" Thread
    • Holder Binding Thread ("Subject is represented by X, but can bind itself to Y during presentation of VC C")\
    • DID Methods with threshold signatures

📻 DID Comm

  • December 5th 2022 - Recording
  • Discussion
    • Post-IIW Observations
    • Agenda-setting 2023
    • Group Management
      • How does this spec group support?
  • Tuesday Dec. 13th DIDComm AMA with Sam Curren
  • DIDComm Open User Group: GitHub Link
    • Meets on Discord: Invite is here
    • Using UnSync format, described here to engage asynchronously in a set time period (typically 4-12 hours) at regular intervals to keep conversation & work moving.
    • Discussion of the group writing a DIDComm Guidebook - feedback and contributions welcome! Potentially covering:
      • What is DIDComm and why would I use it? (super high level)
      • Why developing a protocol on top of DIDComm is a great idea.
      • Protocol Design Basics
      • Protocol Design Best Practices

🌱 Wallet Security WG

  • Meetings are now every two weeks, next meeting Tuesday 30th November
  • New Work Item - Wallet Containers
  • Future agenda topic:
    • Key recovery mechanisms

📦 Secure Data Storage

🌱 Applied Crypto WG

  • Thursday 6 October 2022 - (3pm ET) Work Item status

    • new meeting time 8am PST every Tuesday
    • would like to bolster more attendance, would another meeting time change help more people attend?
  • Spartan ZKP signatures

✈️ Hospitality & Travel

🏦 Finance & Banking

🌏 APAC/ASEAN Open Call

  • Our APAC/ASEAN Community Call is a collaborative initative between DIF and the Trust over IP Foundation (ToIP).
  • We invite to you to attend the next meeting Thurs Dec. 22nd at 9am CET / 3pm SGT. See DIF Calendar here for meeting details
  • Last meeting November 24th 2022 (recording)
    • ToIP Task Force updates
      • Governance Architecture task force
      • SSI Harms Paper
      • Technical Architecture work
      • AI Task Force
      • IIW Takeaways

🌍 Africa Open Call

💼 Product Managers

  • Joined by Juan Caballero who is the Standards Coordinator at Centre Consortium to discuss Web3 and Verite solutions

🦄 Member Updates




  • Digital Pilipinas and Affinidi sign MOU to accelerate workforce digitalisation in The Philippines
    • Affinidi has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) with Digital Pilipinas regarding the issuance of verifiable credentials (“VCs”), an open standard for tamper-evident digital credentials, to help facilitate the digital upskilling of the local workforce in The Philippines. This partnership aims to empower individuals by recognising their achievements in upgrading their skills and knowledge, through the issuance, verification and authentication of cryptographically-verifiable VCs that attest to such achievements.




🌎 Digital Identity Community

Linux Foundation

Linux Foundation
  • Get up to speed on Self-Sovereign Identity with this brand new, free course provided by the Linux Foundation: Getting Started with Self-Sovereign Identity (LFS178x)!
    • A 6-7 hour course which aims to prepare you to have informed business discussions around digital identity, and particularly self-sovereign identity, with a good understanding about how identity systems work and influence our lives. It will also enable you to identify innovative ideas and solutions for leveraging SSI, and better position you for further technical learning around digital identity.

Trust over IP

🎈 Events & Promotions

Internet Identity Workshop

  • IIW35 - November 15 - 17, 2022 in-person at the Computer History Museum, Mountain View, California.
    DIF is in attendance! Be sure to join us on our next virtual all-hands call 7th December for some highlights and takeaways!
  • IIW34 April 2022 book of proceedings is online and publicly available here
  • IIW36 and IIW37 dates have been announced: APRIL 18, 2023 – APRIL 20, 2023, OCTOBER 10, 2023 – OCTOBER 12, 2023, California

🔢 Metrics

Newsletter: 6,110 subscribers | 39% opening rate

Twitter: 6,279 followers | 10.2k impressions | 4.0k profile visits

Website: 23.5k unique visitors

YouTube: 2.2k impressions

In the last 30 days.

🆔 Join DIF!

If you would like to get involved with DIF's work, please join us and start contributing.

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