DIF Monthly #29

Our February 2023 round of updates from DIF. Stay on top of developments at our Working Groups, news from our members, events and much more.

· 12 min read
DIF Monthly #29

Website | Mailing list | Meeting recordings

Table of contents

  1. Foundation News; 2. Group Updates; 3. Member Updates; 4. Digital Identity Community; .5. Events; 6. Metrics; 7. Get involved! Join DIF

🚀 Foundation News

DIF's Community Manager, Limari Navarrete

DIF Monthly All-Hands

  • DIF's monthly All-Hands call next takes place on Wednesday 9th November at 5pm CET | 8am PT - See DIF calendar
  • This public call is open to anyone interested in getting an overview of all the work happening in and around DIF, as well as home to some lively discussions!
  • All-hands also has a public Discord channel to keep track of the links and references shared on the call, and to provide a venue to continue the conversation - DIF All-hands Discord
DIF Feedback Call.
  • These open calls are a space to gather feedback from the community and optimize our strategy.
  • Held every Wednesday in two alternating timeslots, there's definitely one that fits your timezone! Check our DIF calendar here
DIF New Member Orientation Call
  • These open calls are for anyone new to DIF.
  • How to get started, overview of our work and groups, and how to get the most from your DIF membership.
  • Held every Wednesday in two alternating timeslots Check our DIF calendar here
Newsletter RSS

🛠️ Group Updates

☂️ InterOp WG (cross-community)

  • Congratulations and welcome to Daniel Bluhm (Indicio) & Brent Shambaugh as the two new co-chairs of the Interop Group at DIF
  • Now is a great time to get on-board to discuss interoperability goals and the road to adoption

💡 Identifiers & Discovery

Meeting - 27 September 2022

  • US mobile driver's license call for comments: https://www.regulations.gov/commenton/DHS-2020-0028-0001
    • Discussion on RealID and ISO 18013-5: https://www.iso.org/standard/69084.html
    • Introduction to mDL technology
      • Hashes of each data element, bundle is signed
      • Age over X, selective disclosure is "clunky" but supported
      • No trust in user hardware, all calculation is done by issuer
    • Discussion on difference between ISO mDL and W3C VC standards
      • Competition or coexistence? Both have some support.
      • mDL written by issuers for issuers, more work needed on user and verifier perspectives.
      • mDL is not decentralized.
    • Digital wallets in Europe vs US
      • Who will issue the wallets? Centrally by the state, or free market with certification?
  • Universal Resolver is better than ever! We have been making behind-the-scenes stability and capacity improvements. Read more about this interoperability tool on the DIF Blog here

💡 DID Authentication WG

🛡️ Claims & Credentials

📻 DID Comm

  • DIDComm Open User Group: GitHub Link
    • Meets on Discord: Invite is here
    • Using UnSync format, described here to engage asynchronously in a set time period (typically 4-12 hours) at regular intervals to keep conversation & work moving.
    • Discussion of the group writing a DIDComm Guidebook - feedback and contributions welcome! Potentially covering:
      • What is DIDComm and why would I use it? (super high level)
      • Why developing a protocol on top of DIDComm is a great idea.
      • Protocol Design Basics
      • Protocol Design Best Practices

🌱 Wallet Security WG

📦 Secure Data Storage

🌱 Applied Crypto WG

✈️ Hospitality & Travel

🏦 Finance & Banking

🌏 APAC/ASEAN Open Call

  • Our APAC/ASEAN Community Call is a collaborative initiative between DIF and the Trust over IP Foundation (ToIP).
  • We invite you to attend the next meeting Thurs Oct. 27th at 9am CET / 3pm SGT for updates. See DIF Calendar here for meeting details
    • On the agenda: Takeaways from Identity Week Asia and ToIP Summit
    • Last meeting Sept 22nd: Presentation from Silence Laboratories on their work building a library stack to help enterprises adopt decentralized authentication, signature, and authorization.

🌍 Africa Open Call

🦄 Member Updates









🌎 Digital Identity Community

Linux Foundation

  • Get up to speed on Self-Sovereign Identity with this brand new, entirely free course provided by the Linux Foundation: Getting Started with Self-Sovereign Identity (LFS178x)!
    • A 6-7 hour course which aims to prepare you to have informed business discussions around digital identity, and particularly self-sovereign identity, with a good understanding about how identity systems work and influence our lives. It will also enable you to identify innovative ideas and solutions for leveraging SSI, and better position you for further technical learning around digital identity.
  • Open Source Summit Dublin - September 2022: Linux Foundation Announces an Intent to Form the OpenWallet Foundation
    • The mission of the OWF is to develop a secure, multi-purpose open source engine anyone can use to build interoperable wallets. The OWF aims to set best practices for digital wallet technology through collaboration on open source code for use as a starting point for anyone who strives to build interoperable, secure, and privacy-protecting wallets.
    • The OWF does not intend to publish a wallet itself, nor offer credentials or create any new standards. The community will focus on building an open source software engine that other organizations and companies can leverage to develop their own digital wallets.

Trust over IP


US Government - European Union alignment


Government of British Columbia, Energy & Mines Digital Trust

The government of British Columbiainitiated the Energy & Mines Digital Trust (EMDT) project under the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation (EMLI) to facilitate the transition to a resilient, clean economy. Read how they are using digital trust technology, in particular Verifiable Credentials, to improve sustainability reporting in the natural resource sector for organizations.

Hyperledger Foundation

Blockchain in Healthcare Today

Fashion crossover moment

🎈 Events & Promotions

Internet Identity Workshop

  • IIW35 - November 15 - 17, 2022 in-person at the Computer History Museum, Mountain View, California.
  • IIW34 April 2022 book of proceedings is online and publicly available here
  • IIW36 and IIW37 dates have been announced: APRIL 18, 2023 – APRIL 20, 2023, OCTOBER 10, 2023 – OCTOBER 12, 2023, California

🔢 Metrics

Newsletter: 5,956 subscribers | 33% opening rate
Twitter: 6,201 followers | 8.1k impressions | 3.67k profile visits
Website: 24k unique visitors
Youtube: 2.2k impressions

In the last 30 days.

🆔 Join DIF!

If you would like to get involved with DIF's work, please join us and start contributing.

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