February, 2020 - View this email in your browser

Welcome to the 2020 February issue of DIF Monthly, the monthly newsletter of Decentralized Identity Foundation! Read below for the latest updates on the work of the decentralized identity community every month.
Foundation News
Comments on NIST RFCs by the wider decentralized identity community
- DIF - together with W3C CCG, Hyperledger, and others - produced a joint commentary in support for secp256k1 elliptic curve and keccak-256 hashing algorithms as one of the most widely used and tested formats across the broader blockchain industry, including the decentralized identity stack as well. Read more.
- We would like to thank everyone for the effort.
Sidetree Development & Operating Group
- This month DIF will launch the new Sidetree Development & Operating Group, paving the way for the formal specification and standardization of the Sidetree protocol. The group will also be a place for Sidetree-based network operators to coordinate network activities and develop open-source tooling.
- The group will begin by establishing norms for specification and code contributions, then start work on a formal DIF specification for the blockchain-agnostic Sidetree protocol.
- Interested in joining our work? Reach out to membership@identity.foundation.
Join the Glossary project!
(Vocabulary aimed at the informed lay-person)
- The goal of this project is to facilitate the emergence of contextualized vocabulary that is widely accepted across the decentralized identity community/industry. Together we will be working across the whole range of projects and efforts to understand what language is currently being used and to invite understanding and support convergence on some core definitions.
- Register here (bi-weekly meetings on Monday 12:00 pm PST), or join the mailing list.
🛠️ Working Group Updates
☂️ InterOp Project
Demonstrating interoperability across various teams/project and technology stack.
Chairs: Orie Steele & Rouven Heck
GitHub Repos: <interop> | <context> | <ecdsa-secp256k1> | <issues-28>
<credential-handler-polyfill> | <encrypted-data-vaults> | <edv-client> | <vc-json-schemas>
- Tested interoperability issues with DID Methods and Linked Data Signatures.
- The new context github repo uses the universal resolver and its config to show how different contexts impacts compatibility.
We updated the EcdsaSecp256k1Signature2019 implementation to support vc-js.
In the near future:
Update well-known did configuration to support VC Data Model, and demonstrate encrypted data vaults integration with CHAPI.
Additional comments:
There was an issue opened on the interop github which has some interesting QR code flow approaches to VC’s.
Please note:
- If you would like your DID Method / Agent or Hub implementation to be supported, please use GitHub issues and contribute to the InterOp discussion in related working groups. Opinions are welcomed.
- You can join the mailing list by signing up here.
Identifiers & Discovery
How people, organizations, and devices can be identified and located without centralized systems.
Chairs: Jude Nelson, Markus Sabadello & Sam Smith
GitHub Repos: <universal resolver> | <well-known> | <sidetree> | <keri>
- Participated in W3C DID Working Group F2F meeting in Amsterdam. Link.
- Began drafting a new ID WG Charter.
- Appointed Sam Smith as an ID WG co-chair.
- Work on JSON-LD contexts for interoperability. Link.
Demo app done for did:key. Link.
In the near future:
- Finish the new WG Charter.
- Discuss the implications of W3C DID Working Group developments on DIF projects.
🛡️ Claims & Credentials
Verifying claims and assertions of identities.
Chairs: Martin Riedel, Wayne Chang & Jonathan Reynolds
GitHub Repos: <did-jwt-wc> | <papers> | <credential-manifest>
- Merged Presentation format work item with Credential Manifest.
- Evernym, Microsoft and Workday have committed resources.
- Evernym and Workday to work on presentations.
Agreements to publish schemas from a number of companies to bootstrap Taxonomy effort.
In the near future:
- Primary Q1 goal is to complete a first draft of a credential manifest specification.
DID Auth
DID-based authentication specs, standards, and libraries.
Chairs: Kyle den Hartog & Oliver Terbu
GitHub Repos: <authentication-wg> | <did-siop> | <did-authn/siop>
- Continued progress on SIOP Auth profile.
- Set WG Charter for Auth, and looking for additional areas of work and people looking to champion the work to completion.
Current ideas have been integrating MFA with DIDs, working with CHAPI on mobile, and a request for issuance of VCs with SIOP.
In the near future:
Finish up SIOP Profile.
Additional comments: Should we migrate the DIDComm crypto library to DIDComm WG rather than DIDAuth?
DID Comm
Specifications, protocols, and formats developed for authetication data structures.
Chairs: Sam Curren, Oliver Terbu & Tobias Looker
GitHub Repos: <DIDComm-js> | <didcomm-messaging>
- Established regular calls.
- Set up didcomm-messaging repo.
- Imported source documents.
- Added initial readme files.
Created initial spec outline and stub documents.
In the near future:
- Input substantive sections of the spec.
- Resolve proposed changes.
Industry News
Odyssey 2020 - The Self-Sovereign Identity Challenge
- Contribute to an open Self-Sovereign Identity ecosystem, consisting of a transparent trust framework and associated common infrastructure, empowering people and organizations to drive societal change. Enable all other Odyssey tracks to benefit from and contribute to this Self-Sovereign Identity ecosystem. Take part in the Odyssey Hackathon 2020!
- Learn more here.
- Application deadline: February 24
Open Source Summit & Embedded Linux Conference NA 2020
- Open Source Summit North America, the leading conference for developers, architects, and other technologists, as well as Embedded Linux Conference, the premier vendor-neutral technical conference are looking for speakers for their jointly hosted event in various tracks ranging from Linux Systems, IoT, AI/ML/DL to Diversity Empowerment.
- Learn more here.
- Application deadline: February 16.
State of SSI
- Author and identity researcher Heather Vescent needs your input! Contribute your insights in this short, <10m survey on the development and direction of the decentralized identity industry and the technology backing it.
- To the survey!
🦄 Member Updates

- Bundesdruckerei concluded a proof-of-concept for decentralized digital German IDs in which they merged Jolocom software with existing government IT infrastructure for identity verification. The POC allows the citizen to retain control over their own legal identity in every service interaction. Learn more here.
W3C DID Working Group F2F - Amsterdam, NL
- Danube Tech, Jolocom, Spherity, Mattr, and other DIF members participated in the F2F meeting of the W3C DID Working Group in Amsterdam. The official documentation is hereand Juan Cabalerro @ Spherity created a report/overview of that documentation, here
Trust and Internet Identity Meeting Europe - Vienna, Austria
February 17-20, 2020
- From Identity Management architecture and technology to policy, privacy and business, meet experts, learn concepts, tools and techniques and connect to the community. Workshops, tutorials, interest groups, and an unconference awaits you at TIIME.
- Learn more here.
KNOW Identity Conference - Las Vegas, USA
April 5-8, 2020
- The event brings together a community of executives, thought leaders, product leaders, and rising startups to reimagine how we enable identity in the digital economy. Attend KNOW Identity to forge new relationships, learn the latest industry trends, and make identity work better for everyone. Use discount code DIF2020 for 10% off the current registration price!
- Learn more here.
XXX (#30) - Internet Identity Workshop - Mountain View, USA
April 28-30, 2020
- The Internet Identity Workshop has been finding, probing, and solving identity issues twice every year since 2005. We meet in the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, CA. Every IIW moves topics, code, and projects downfield. Name an identity topic, and it’s likely that more substantial discussion and work has been done at IIW than any other conference!
- Learn more here.
🖋️ DIF / Media
NIST’s RFC (FIPS 186–5 and SP 800–186)
Commentary in support for secp256k1 elliptic curve and keccak-256 hashing algorithms as one of the most widely used and tested formats across the wider blockchain industry, including the decentralized identity stack as well. Read more.
DIF APAC/ASEA meetings are here!
Decentralized identity technology is gaining momentum across the globe from local municipalities to national governments, with startups and even global corporations implementing the technology. Read more.
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