Written by Markus Sabadello and Bernhard Fuchs, edited by Chris Kelly

In May 2021, the DIF Identifiers & Discovery Working Group set up a weekly Special Work Item Call (held in addition to regular "main" Working Group calls), to make progress specifically on the Universal Resolver project, developing a tool which can resolve DIDs across multiple DID methods, based on the W3C DID Core 1.0 and DID Resolution specifications. The minutes and recordings of these weekly meetings can be found on the Working Group's agenda page on GitHub, hosted alongside the Open Source Universal Resolver documentation and code.

Photo by Greg Rakozy / Unsplash

The main achievements of the dedicated Work Item calls can be summarized as follows:

Considering that the group has accomplished these goals, there is currently no more need for dedicated calls. Work on the Universal Resolver work item will continue on Github (under the Universal Resolver and Identifiers &Discovery repositories) and on DIF Slack in the Identifiers & Discovery Working Group channel, #wg-id. Going forward, a time slot on the "main" I&D Working Group calls can be requested by any member of the community to discuss topics related to the Universal Resolver project.

Current topics and future plans for the Universal Resolver include:

  • An open directory of well-known public instances of the Universal Resolver, operated by the community (see open PR).
  • Additional integration with test suites, to verify standards-compliance of drivers.
  • Ongoing addition and maintenance of drivers for supported DID methods.

As a service to the community, DIF will continue to host an instance of the Universal Resolver (currently reachable at https://dev.uniresolver.io/), which can be used for testing and experimentation.

Many thanks to all who have contributed to this important project!

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