DIF is excited to welcome the Creator Assertions Working Group (CAWG) as a new working group of DIF.

About CAWG

CAWG builds upon the work of the Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity (C2PA) by defining additional assertions that allow content creators to express individual and organizational intent about their content. CAWG defines an identity assertion that allows content creators to bind their online identity to the content that the content that they produce.

A Collaboration with ToIP and CAWG

This new working group will be a joint collaboration with members of DIF, Trust Over IP Foundation (ToIP), and the existing members of CAWG welcomed to participate. And of course, new members are welcome to join.

This group will be chaired by Eric Scouten, Identity Standards Architect at Adobe, and additional co-chairs to be named soon.

Get Involved

CAWG meetings will be held every other week starting Monday, 10 March at the following times:

  • Americas / European Time Zones: 8am PST / 1500 UTC
  • APAC Time Zones: 6pm PST / 0100 Tuesday UTC

To get involved, fill out the form below, and we'll get you started!

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