Communication Milestone Achievements!

As 2021 draws to a close, DIF would like to celebrate reaching over 5,000 Twitter Followers and 5,000 Newsletter Subscribers! 💪

· 2 min read

As we speed towards the end of 2021, we have hit a couple of important communication milestones that we’d like to celebrate!

This week, we hit 5k followers on Twitter, driven in no small part by attention garnered by our ToIP & DIF Joint Statement of Support for the Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) v1.0 specification becoming a W3C Standard. Currently, we stand at 5,011 followers and growing, and we are proud that our comms channels, namely our DIF blog, Twitter and YouTube channel, are a great way to keep on top of important announcements from DIF and our members. We have some exciting stuff cooked up for 2022, so watch this space! 🎉

For those who want a more in-depth look at the Decentralized Identity Community, we can heartily recommend our monthly DIF Newsletter, packed full of news and updates from the various groups at DIF about their progress and learnings, as well as news from our entire membership. Our audience also agrees, and this week we passed 5k subscribers, to a total of 5,065 by the time of going to press. Sign up driectly from our homepage here to get a monthly digest from the entire community, including exclusive job opportunities and invitations to industry events. If you have any tips that you’d like to include in the next newsletter, you can submit using the online form here.

Photo by Erwan HesryUnsplash

As always, while these channels are an excellent way to keep abreast of developments in the community, nothing can quite compare to becoming a DIF member and getting involved with our dedicated groups, working on technical challenges and meaningful specifications to harness the exciting potential of these technologies. Everyone is welcome to join DIF, where we have a variety of tiered membership levels, so check out which one is right for you and your organization. We look forward to welcoming you on a call in 2022!

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