🚀DIF Monthly #20 (July, 2021)

· 6 min read
🚀DIF Monthly #20 (July, 2021)

Table of contents

  1. Group Updates; 2. Member Updates; 3. Funding; 4. DIF Media; 5. Members; 6. events; 7. Jobs; 8. Metrics; 9. Join DIF

🚀 Foundation News

DIF "Frequently Asked Questions" Knowledgebase

DIF has launched a massive knowledgebase, structured as a long series of frequently-asked questions and answers. This synthesizes a year of educational efforts in the interop WG, blog posts, newsletters, and many other DIF inputs in a format we hope will be useful as a reference and onboarding document throughout the decentralized identity space. Please peruse it, particularly the sections about your personal research focus and/or your company's specialty and products, opening issues or PRs on github wherever you feel a correction or addition is needed. This is intended as a community resource, so PRs are open to your input!

Interop WG election

The Interoperability WG is seeking nominations for new chairs. The group is hoping to pivot to a greater focus on testing, so candidates with experience scripting tests or making specs testable (whether in decentralized identity contexts or otherwise) are particularly welcome. For details about the ballot, visit the mailing list or slack channel.

🛠️ Group Updates

☂️ InterOp WG (cross-community)

  • IDUnion, BMWi Schaufenster, and new interop targets w/Hakan Yildiz
  • Why do you need DIDs for SSI, with guest David Chadwick (Verifiable Credentials Ltd., UK, W3C VC-WG spec editor)
    • CCG Thread on VCs with non-DID identifiers: a recurring issue in this group.
    • x509 as issuer ; "DID" for holder to express a key (did:key-like encoding from IETF RFC).
    • "Protocols for VCs should not presume DIDs".
  • Good Health Pass Blueprint by Drummond Reed, Global Covid Certificate Network by Lucy Yang.
  • WACI-PEx update.
  • Identiverse (conference) update.

💡 Identifiers & Discovery

🛡️ Claims & Credentials

  • Workitem Status: WACI-PEX.
    • Restructure PR (going in).
    • Work continues apace - please open issues if anything is unclear and attend monday meetings!
  • Workitem Status: PE (Maintenance) + Credential Manifest.
    • PE issue-triage/discussion with OIDF on potential updates to PE v1.
    • Conversations about aligning PE an OIDF (under DIF IPR) are ongoing: notes from first two meetings here
  • Workitem Status: VC Marketplace.
    • Plugathon and interop-profile for participating companies.
    • Blog post (series) explaining the plugathon project forthcoming.

🔓 DID Auth

  • A/B Connect WG is hub of all this - DIF members can join, joint meetings are in the DIF Calendar.
  • David Waite (Ping Identity) & Kristina Yasuda (OIDF-DIF Liaison) will present an overview of the OIDF-DIF joint work at Interop WG next wednesday
  • SIOP V2

📻 DID Comm

  • Discussion Topics:
    • Q3 Done Plan: Get the DIDComm v2 ecosystem “mature enough” to be adoptable by end of Q3 2021.
    • Encoding Keys in envelopes by value or by reference/ID - 191 Issue
    • Sender Key/ID Encryption questions
    • Alternative Transport discussions: Bluetooth & NFC
    • DIDComm v2 library interface comparison (pack/unpack interface comparison)
      * DIDComm-rs - Rust - Jolocom
      * did-jwt/veramo - Typescript
      * Go - Securekey
  • PRs
    • 161 - Attachments
    • 172 - Fix inconsistencies with to/next attributes in a forward message.
    • 185 - kid and skid headers
      • keys vs key refs
    • 195 - anoncrypt warning (updated)
    • 198 - typ/cty language
    • 200 - threading
    • 202 - refactor attachments
    • 206 - advanced sequencing
    • 205 - APU/APV values

📦 Secure Data Storage

  • 27th EDV Dedicated Call:
    • Discussed Derek's batch API PR
    • Issues reviewed: Deletion Semantics, Vault Deletion, JWE - CWE formats.
    • Issues discussed: Data Vault Configuration, URL to a data vault vs privacy, Max structured document size, etc.
    • Issues opened: Correlation of server-visible information, Default root zcaps for EDVs.
  • Identity Hubs:
    • JOSE and DAG-CBOR agreement/interop.
    • Presentations by
      * 3Box/Ceramic on DAG-JOSE.
      * FISSION on Cryptree.


  • Py implementation's use case and driving design decisions.
  • Design process for TELs (txn logs/microledgers for VCs, smart contracts, or other verifiable data objects).
  • Discussion of new, more detailed proposal did:indy:xxx:keri "tunnel" (re-registering indy DIDs as KERI AIDs and vice versa).

⚙️ Product Managers

💸 Finance & Banking SIG

  • Short updates on SIG processes
  • Chris Kamier (Sustany) proposed as new chair.
  • Collaboration with H&T SIG, and paving the way for shared interests

✈️ Travel & Hospitality


  • DIF is hosting the APAC/ASEAN call to support the wider ecosystem of decentralized identities across the world.
  • During the last meeting the topics focused on general community and technology updates and discussions.

🌍 DIF Africa

  • DIF is hosting the Africa call to support the wider ecosystem of decentralized identities across the world.
  • During the July call, we had an overview of YOMA Foundation from Lohan Spies - Founder of DIDx and CTO of Yoma.

🦄 Member Updates

DIF Associate members are encouraged to share tech-related news in this section. For more info, get in touch with operations.

💰 Funding


NGI Open Calls (EU)

  • Funding is allocated to projects using short research cycles targeting the most promising ideas. Each of the selected projects pursues its own objectives, while the NGI RIAs provide the program logic and vision, technical support, coaching and mentoring, to ensure that projects contribute towards a significant advancement of research and innovation in the NGI initiative.
  • The focus is on advanced concepts and technologies that link to relevant use cases, and that can have an impact on the market and society overall. Applications and services that innovate without a research component are not covered by this model.
  • Varying amounts of funding.

Learn more here.

🖋️ DIF Media

Bloom Donates WACI to C&C WG
TLDR; WACI isn’t being donated as a snapshot or as a reference implementation of a finished protocol; it’s being donated as a starting point for an ongoing work item in C&C WG that will round out the spec to be more robust and flexible, after the WACI-PEx profile has been finished and there is feedback to consider from implementers of it, and/or of other applications.

Setting Interoperability Targets - Part 2

[DIF focuses on three distinct] “layers”, each of which has its own interoperability challenges that seem most urgent. It is [the Interop WG's] contention that each of these could be worked on in parallel and independently of the other two to help arrive at a more interoperable community-- and we will be trying to book presentation and discussion guests in the coming months to advance all three.

🎈 Events & Promotions

DIF F2F 2021/2

User Experience in SSI : An IIW Special Topic
July 22, 2021 | Virtual Event

This IIW Special Topic event creates the space for User Experience Professionals, Product Managers, Interface Designers, and those in related roles working on decentralized identity or self-sovereign identity applications and tools to discuss, share and collaborate together.

The Business of SSI: An IIW Special Topic
Aug 04, 2021 | Virtual Event

Thought leaders, researchers, educators, and more will come together for intensive discussion and thought-provoking dialogue on Opening Up the Learning-Earning Ecosystem, and what that means for your leadership, community, and students. Participants will hear from leaders and drivers of change and be able to engage with panels of experts as well as participate in open discussions on the latest developments within skills-based learning and hiring. Conference attendees will also benefit from learning cutting edge tools and hearing from ongoing pilot projects across the United States.

Internet Identity Workshop XXIII
October 12 - 14, 2021 | Virtual Event

You belong at IIW this Fall! You’ll acquire the real-time pulse of genuinely disruptive technologies that are the foundation of today's important Internet movements. Every IIW moves topics, code, and projects downfield. Name an identity topic and it's likely that more substantial discussion and work has been done at IIW than any other conference!

2021 Digital Trust Summit
July 15 - 21, 2021 | Virtual Event

Learner agency and trust are at the center of our universe. The virtual Digital Trust Summit will convene global Digital Trust leaders, changemakers, students, faculty and technologists to learn about and collaborate around the latest DT projects and programs, connect directly with learners and educators, and advance a collective agenda towards cultivating Digital Trust in our education and education-to-workforce systems.


Manning - 37% off on the book "Self Sovereign Identity"!

Manning is an independent publisher of computer books and video courses for software developers, engineers, architects, system administrators, managers and all who are professionally involved with the computer business. Use the code ssidif37 for the exclusive discount on all products for DIF members.

💼 Jobs

Members of the Decentralized Identity Foundation are looking for:

  • Communications Director / Manager (Remote)

Check out the available positions here.

🔢 Metrics

Newsletter: 4.6k subscribers | 31% opening rate
Twitter: 4.597 followers | 9k impressions | 2.5k profile visits
Website: 18k unique visitors

In the last 30 days.

🆔 Join DIF!

If you would like to get involved with DIF's work, please join us and start contributing.

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