DIF welcomes our new Executive Director

· 1 min read
DIF welcomes our new Executive Director

DIF is thrilled to welcome Kim Hamilton-Duffy as our new Executive Director. 

Kim is a well-known figure at the heart of the decentralized identity technical community. She has been instrumental in pioneering early open source projects in the space, and has held leadership roles in technical standards and interoperability groups including the World Economic Forum, W3C, Decentralized Identity Foundation, and US Chamber of Commerce Foundation.

Kim brings over two decades of experience in software engineering and distributed systems to the ED role, together with a wealth of market insights and personal contacts. She takes over operational leadership of DIF from our outgoing ED Clare Nelson, effective today. 

Welcome Kim!! 

DIF thanks Clare Nelson

DIF says a big Thank You to our wonderful outgoing ED, Clare Nelson, who has gone on sabbatical at the end of her one-year contact, having handed over the reins of operational leadership to Kim.

Clare has made a big impact in a short period of time and leaves DIF in great shape, having helped build an effective organization that supports our members to innovate, implement and scale up.

Clare brought clarity and focus to DIF’s operational activities, sharpened how we communicate the value of DIF membership, built strong relationships with our liaison partners and stakeholders and helped forge productive relationships with new partners like ID4Africa and SIDI Hub. 

She used her extensive experience and contacts within the identity industry to build bridges, awareness and understanding of decentralized identity technologies in the wider technology sector, while always advocating powerfully for our members, and the close-knit team she built.   

She leaves DIF with a clear focus, stronger operational capabilities and an enhanced reputation. 

Thank you Clare!