DIF Steering Committee Election Results 2022

SC Election results: DIF welcomes new SC members Sam Curren, Daniel Buchner, Karyl Fowler, Rouven Heck, Markus Sabadello & Kaliya Young!

· 1 min read
DIF Steering Committee Election Results 2022

The votes are in, counted and verified!

We are delighted to announce the results of the 2022 DIF SC election.

The six elected candidates are Sam Curren (Indicio Tech), Daniel Buchner (Block), Karyl Fowler (Transmute), Rouven Heck (Consensys Mesh, Executive Director at DIF), Markus Sabadello (DanubeTech) & Kaliya Young (Identity Woman). Sam, Karyl, Markus and Rouven have been re-elected for another two year term as SC members. You can read more about the SC candidates' background and vision for DIF here.

They join sitting members of the DIF Steering Committee; Juan Caballero (Centre), Joachim Lohkamp (Jolocom), Catherine Nabbala Seppuuya (Finema) and Brent Zundel (Avast), whose seats will be up for election in 2023. Together, they will collectively guide DIF to ensure we best represent the interests of members, the wider community and future users of decentralized identity.

DIF would like to thank outgoing members Kendra Bittner and Pamela Dingle for their contributions and insight during their past two years on the DIF SC.

A huge thank you also goes to the candidates who were unsuccessful in their SC bid this time; Valerie Lanard (Workday), Rohit Jhunjhunwala (Affinidi), Kabir Maiga (PassiveBolt), Christian Kameir (Sustany Capital) and Richard Reukema (Phoenix Business Solutions Inc.). We greatly appreciate their passion and dedication, and we look forward to seeing them around the DIF community.

How DIF is organized, funded and governed, as well as the SC election process, is listed in more detail on our website here.

Even if you aren't an SC member, we would still love your input and feedback on our work and the wider identity landscape! Attend our monthly all-hands meeting 22nd of June 2022 (see the public DIF calendar here) to have your say and check out what's going on, or reach us directly via email, Twitter, LinkedIn or Slack!